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Have you ever thought about
who is the best 1on1 Basketball player
in the world?

Come on, you can enjoy 1on1 Basketball together!

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We can share our happiness!


1on1 Basketball App record result (points and video) of actual 1on1 match of Basketball by registered player fellow to calculate player rankings from all over the world.

Last update:Apr 26, 2015 10:00

1on1 players
Male: 17
Female: 8
Total: 25
1on1 match results
Official: 80
Practice: 43
Total: 123

Please select 1on1 Basketball ranking area you want to see from the map.
It is possible to see ranking in every region level as below.

Men's Ranking TOP 10

Essex Country

Essex Country

Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country

Women's Ranking TOP 10

Essex Country

Essex Country

Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country
Essex Country

Come on, you can enjoy 1on1 Basketball together!

Did you record your game and want to look it again?

1on1 Basketball App records results ( point and video ) of actual 1on1 match of Basketball by registered players to calculate every item's ranking by every region of the world. Record result of 1on1 match to improve motivation continuously, and also help improve your skills.

And through the research of players and competition request function, we create the opportunity to make new Basketball friends.

Come on, you can enjoy 1on1 Basketball together!

This is the usage flow of the 1on1 Basketball App service!

Please download app from:

Download free from Google Play

Download free from Apple Store

System requirements

Android iOS
Version After 4.0 After 7.0

Please start app to register player.
Following is flow of player registration.

Decide opponent?Opponent needs download app and register player.
If opponent exists, please use app to play a 1on1 match.
If opponent doesn't exist, please try to find opponent close to you by using opponent search function of app.

It is possible to send match request after searching for a registered player in the app using the following conditions:

  • Location in which you hope to have a match(Continent/Country/Area1/Area2)
  • Rank of opposing player
  • Height of opposing player
  • Manner of opposing player
  • If the opposing player has received the match request or not
  • The match format that the opposing player hopes to play

App can record result of actual 1on1 match played by registered player in app.

Record content

Official match:record match result and match video.
Practice match:record match result.
Record content difference of official match and practice match

Record content
Result Video
Official Record Record
Practical Record Not Record

Capture content

Rank points and avatar coins that can be earned are different in official matches and practice maches.
A rank point is the point that can calculate ranking.
An avatar coin is a coin that can purchase avatar items.
Earned amounts can be different according to differentials in self-rankings, real rankings and avatar coins.

Self rank and compared opponent player rank Capture content
Rank point Avatar coin
official Upper rank 6 6
Same rank 4 4
Lower rank 2 2
Practical Upper rank 3 3
Same rank 2 2
Lower rank 1 1

Sum match result of all player to calculate ranking of following 8 categories of every regions in world at the end of every month.

  • Rank(※2
  • Total Game
  • Total Win
  • Average Win
  • Average Point
  • Average Losses
  • Average Manner
  • Consecutive Wins
There are 18 types of ranks. Rank of player starts from [E] , then rises to [D] → [C] → [B] → [A] → [S].
The following is the number of necessary points that a player requires to rise to the next rank.

Rank and necessary rank point

Rank Necessary rank point
E -
EE 10
EEE 30
D 60
DD 100
DDD 150
C 210
CC 280
CCC 360
B 450
BB 550
BBB 660
A 780
AA 910
AAA 1050
S 1190
SS 1450
SSS 1620

Youtube channel Basketball 1on1(URL link)

About app

1on1 Basketball App( hereinafter referred to as "the app") aims to improve 1on1 skill of Basketball.It can also calculate ranking in every region and every type based on match result sent by user.

At the same time, it creates the chance to enjoy 1on1 Basketball with various people easily, and enriches life through Basketball.

Please don't abuse the app by spamming, stalkin, harrassing, invading the privacy of, or giving away private information of the members.

If any member is found guilty of any of the aforememtioned behaviours, he or she will be banished from the land of 1on1 Basketball for all eternity.If your account is suspended, all new account creation will be forbidden.If you suspect someone of violating the usage agreement, please report it.

About 1on1 match video

The management will regularly select video to upload to Youtube that will be helpful for users to improve their skills.

If you find that the video released infringes on copyright laws, please report it to the management.

1on1 Basketball community consists of 1on1 Basketball management office(centered on everybody's trust and voluntary participation.

Since this is a new app, we would appreciate your feedback and any points for improvement, Please contact us at any time.

Thanks for your time.

-1on1 Basketball Management Office

Following is 1on1 game rule in 1on1 Basketball App.

Offense and defense of match start

There is judge: Please decide offense and defense of match start by jump ball or coin toss etc.
There is no judge: Please follow offense and defense indicated by app randomly to decide offense and defense of match start.


It is same with standard Basketball (2 points and 3 points).

Win condition

The player who get 11 points will win the match.
The highest point is 13 points.
EX: The player shoots 3 points from 10 points, the player with 13 points will win.
The player shoots 2 points from 10 points, the player with 12 points will win.

Match time

No limitation.(※)
※When official match,only can upload 10 minutes video.If video exceeds 10 minutes,please send it with end and points of result.

Shoot clock

It is 15 seconds.

Change timing of offense and defense

After get points, please change offense and defense.
2 feet pass over 3P line and stand outside, then change of offense and defense from defense(steal,rebound).
Regardless of result,When count foul of basketball,consider it as free throw to change offense and defense.


The party with 5 fouls will be disqualification and the opponent with 11 points will win the match.
There is judge:Please follow judge to decide foul.
There is no judge:Please decide foul by personal statement.


1on1 match with same opponent can be held 1 time per day.
Please start match after enough stretch without injuries.
By weather,disater and others,if you think 1on1 game with danger,please stop the match by individual judgement.
Please respect opponent and have good manners.


Through 1on1 Basketball App,when send game request and approve game request, user agree following policy with health status fitting for 1on1 game.

2.About risk/health and safety

Because 1on1 of basketball is the sport that have body contact with opponent, user should understand and agree that user take responsible for injures risk.
If user have concern about health status or feel ill, please stop 1on1 game.
In case,if user find opponent has health change suddenly and injure,please take appropriate action including emergency treatment and calling an ambulance.
User take responsible to manage valuables in 1on1 game .


If there are any accident/hurt/robbery/injury or direct and indirect loss occur in 1on1 game through app,user can't claim damage to 1on1 Basketball Management Office.

Jan 4, 2015
The 1th Open Championship will take place at the Chicago in 2015.

The tournament will be …***************************************** ******************************************************** **************************************************************** https:///

Jan 4, 2015
The 1th Open Championship will take place at the Chicago in 2015.

The tournament will be …***************************************** ******************************************************** **************************************************************** https:///

Jan 4, 2015
The 1th Open Championship will take place at the Chicago in 2015.

The tournament will be …***************************************** ******************************************************** **************************************************************** https:///

Following is 1on1 game rule in 1on1 Basketball App.